Seeing that LMCI is somewhat becoming a global village with people from different walks of life and cultures, we came up with an employee exchange program . Though the Covid Pandemic bought this to a stand still, we hope to revive this program in the near future.

The objectives of this program are ;

  1. Exposure – We believe that exposure is the best teacher. Here you have a unique opportunity to be exposed to a different geographical area, different colleagues, working environment and mentorship from the different Managing Consultants in LMCI.
  1. Synergy – We would like to build a brand that is holistic and uniform across the board. By swapping colleagues, we hope that we can begin to build this kind of organization.
  1. Growth – We believe that your being exposed to a different culture and work environment will not only grow you as a person, but the impartation you will get from one of our best performing offifices will instill the same values in you which you can then impart to your fellow colleagues. So in a real sense, this exchange program can be regarded as part of the LMCI Leadership Development Program.
  1. Observation – We hope that you can observe any good ideas that you think we can implement in your home company.